
  • Revista  CHO - Contação de Histórias e Oralidade

    Fluxo Contínuo
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

    In this first edition, we hope to bring together texts that focus on orality, either through oral poetics or in other ways of presenting themselves.

    Orality has been the subject of debate in the academic field for a long time, but it still has little practical insertion in academic life, although it takes to the streets, stages, squares, school corridors. Our aim is to "hear" from those who give it prominence what has been done and said and done wherever it is.

    We received texts in the form of articles, essays, reports of experiences in a continuous flow...

    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024)

    The CHO Journal – Storytelling and Oralities reaches number 3 with this edition that gives us a special look at the role of oralities in basic education.
    Reaching this number of the journal is an important milestone, because we now have the ISSN, that is, International Standard Serial Number, or International Normalized Number for Serial Publications, which is a type of code used for international registration of periodical documents, such as newspapers, magazines and scientific works. The material that receives an ISSN code has a publication frequency. We at CHO are striving to offer the varied public interested in the issues published in this journal a periodicity at least biannual, be it daily, biweekly, monthly, half-yearly or annual.
    Also with this number of the journal, we can apply for indexing in national or foreign databases or directories. Indexing is a process of representing the content information of documents. Therefore, very soon we will have indexers. And, in the near future, we will have the journal evaluated to enter the Qualis system. We would like to thank all the people who sent their articles and trusted our proposal. We would like to thank all the people who have accessed and will access the articles. We guarantee that the material presented here is qualified in terms of research and scientific discussion. We would like to take this opportunity to invite old and new authors to participate and everyone to read the texts that we always present in a very ethical and judicious manner.

  • Revista  CHO - Contação de Histórias e Oralidade

    Fluxo contínuo
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)

    A Revista CHO - Contação de Histórias e Oralidade chega ao seu segundo volume e traz, nesta edição, três ensaios encantadores e uma pesquisa que aproxima a contação de histórias da docência.

    O encanto das histórias contadas passa pelo caminho da literatura, pela contaçao de histórias em sala de aula e em espaços não formais. Seja onde for, provoca o encantamento do dizer, porque provoca imagens mentais, estimula o imaginário e fala a linguagem própria dos sentimentos e sensações: a metáfora.

    Seja através de pesquisas acadêmicas, de relatos de experiências de produção artística das poéticas orais, da ancestralidade ou de relatos de mediação para a contação de histórias, esse campo epistemológico vem se consolidando e esta revista tem a intenção de ampliar o campo de discussões a esse respeito, recebendo textos que oxigenem nossos conhecimentos sobre quem somos, por que somos como somos e como poderemos dizer. Tudo isso é possível através das histórias.