Poéticas modernas em expressão anglófona: destroços, fissuras e replicâncias
Modern lyric, Contextual reading experience, HumanizationAbstract
This article is to focus on the relationships and modernity of contingencies in anglophone poetry, through the aesthetic effectiveness of reframing considered words "cursed" that as wreckage, create cracks around the slow and continuous process of humanization. Therefore, when we speculate about the conjecture from the wreckage of humanity, as lyrical element, ponder the idea of resistance poetic genre, especially when this is nourished by life and its expressive possibilities by means of spared and ambivalent representations by feelings/ states such unwanted humanity which: loneliness, melancholy, pain, fear, anguish, crying, death, dark, silence that crossed the XX and XIX centuries and still take us in constant company, mainly, by enhancing the many forms of the humanization process between ironies, paradoxes and thoughts of contemporary man. Under these perspectives, reflecting the apparent secular disorder by the poetic diction of many writers such as Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), Walt Whitman (1819-1892), Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979), Maya Angelou (1928-2014), Simon Armitage (1961) among others that affect greatly in the sense that you can assign the poetic expressions. Indeed, the reading experiences will be very welcome to respect the property reveal the substances that the compositions are reflected, even when packaged by slobbry sentimentality and utopian lovers. But, mainly, by the force of craftsmen engaged words, that sometimes diverge from the reality exactly to better decipher it.
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