Living in a phony world: character figuration in J. D. Salinger's The catcher in the rye




Character, Novel, American Literature, The catcher in the rye


The Catcher in the Rye, a 1951 novel by J. D. Salinger, highlights the construction of the character as the leading role of the narrative. The fictional character has provoked closer looks  on the part of the Literary Studies, mainly on Narrative Studies field, which analyses the fictional figure considering its ideological, social, and identity aspects. Therefore, in this article, I aim to discuss character figuration in the cited novel, focusing on the main character, Holden Caulfield, through the lens of his figuration dynamics. For the analysis, I consider the themes through which the constitutive material of the fictional figure is constituted, namely: his relation to time, childhood, innocence, and sexuality. The theoretical framework is shaped through authors such as Ian Watt, Mikhail Bakhtin, Michel Zéraffa, E. M. Forster, Carlos Reis, and Maria da Glória Bordini.



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Author Biography

Ernani Silverio Hermes, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Graduado em Letras-Inglês pela Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões (URI). Atualmente, é mestrando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, na área de concentração de Estudos Literários, na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). Bolsista da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). E-mail:


BAKHTIN, Mikhail. The dialogic imagination. Translated by Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. Austin: University of Texas Press: 1981.

BORDINI, Maria da Glória. A personagem na perspectiva dos estudos culturais. Letras de Hoje, 41(3), 11-142, 2006. Available on: <>. Accessed on December 10th, 2021.

FINKELSTEIN, Sidney. Existentialism and alienation in American Literature. New York: International Publishers, 1965.

FORSTER, E. M. Aspects of the novel. London: Pelican Books, 1970.

LUKÁCS, Georg. The theory of the novel: a historic-philosophical essay on the forms of great epic literature. Translated by Anna Bostock. London: The Merlin Press, 1971.

REIS, Carlos. Pessoas de papel: estudos sobre personagem. Coimbra, PT: University of Coimbra, 2018.

SALINGER, J. D. The catcher in the rye. New York, Boston, London: Little, Brown and Company, 2014.

WATT, Ian. The rise of the novel: studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding. University of California Press, 1957.

ZÉRAFFA, Michel. Pessoa e personagem: o romanesco dos anos 1920 aos anos de 1950. Translated by Luiz João Gaia e J. Ginsburg. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2010.



How to Cite

HERMES, E. S. Living in a phony world: character figuration in J. D. Salinger’s The catcher in the rye . Babel: Revista Eletrônica de Línguas e Literaturas Estrangeiras, Alagoinhas, BA, v. 11, p. e12519, 2021. DOI: 10.69969/revistababel.v11i.12519. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.