About the Journal

Focus and Scope

BABEL: Electronic Journal of Foreign Languages and Literature (ISSN: 2238-5754) is an academic, peer-reviewed journal edited by the University of the State of Bahia (UNEB), Department of Linguistics, Literature and Arts, at the university campus in the city of Alagoinhas.

The journal receives original and unpublished articles written in Portuguese, English or French, with themes focused on linguistic, literary and pedagogical studies, registered in the area of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures; Translation Studies; and Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Submitted texts must be authored by professors/researchers with a master's or doctoral degree linked to Higher Education Institutions; undergraduate students under faculty professors’/teachers’ guidance and supervision; master's and doctoral students linked to stricto sensu Postgraduate Programs. In addition to this audience, texts submitted by teachers linked to the Brazilian Basic Education Network, with the title of Specialist, Master or Doctor, are accepted.

From the year 2021, BABEL: Electronic Journal of Foreign Languages and Literatures will adopt the continuous publication system. Submissions must be made exclusively after registering in the Journal's system. The entire editorial process takes place within the scope of this platform and must be accompanied by the authors. The productions will be received in a continuous flow, meeting the policy of each section.

BABEL: Electronic Journal of Foreign Languages and Literatures does not charge any type of processing or submission fee to its authors. All its content is available on an Open Access platform, free of charge to readers and authors.



Portal Periódicos - CAPES

DIADORIM - Diretório de políticas editoriais das revistas científicas brasileiras

LATINDEX - Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals

LIVRE - Portal de Revistas de Livre Acesso

Sumários.org - Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras

LatinREV - Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

DRJI - Directory of Research Journals Indexing

Index Copernicus - ICI World of Journals

MIAR - information Matrix for the Analysis of Jounals

CiteFactor: Academic Scientific Journals

OpenAIRE - Explore

BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine


QOAM - Quality Open Access Market

REDIB - Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico



Relação de artigos citados - Google Acadêmico


Peer Review Process

The Journal adopts the double blind review system. After submitting the originals, the following flow follows:

  1. The Editors carry out a preliminary evaluation to verify the adherence of the topics covered with the focus of the journal; the inedity, originality, topicality and pertinence of submission are verified. Will also be analyzed: the integrity of the file (in formats: DOC, DOCX or ODT); the integrity of the submitted material (images, graphics, etc.); compliance with publication rules, as per Guidelines for Authors and compliance with the Journal's Editorial Policies. Once the preliminary stage is completed, the submission can be refused or forwarded to the reviewers for evaluation. It is recommended to follow the process in the OJS system section;
  2. The work, without identification of authorship, is sent for evaluation by two reviewers who may be members of the Scientific Committee or ad hoc referees with recognized academic competence. Only works recommended by reviewers will be published. If there are differences between the two opinions, the work can be sent to a third reviewer or analyzed by the Editorial Committee.
  3. The final decision for publication will be taken by the Editorial Committee and will be based on the opinions issued. Authors will be informed of the result through specific communication. Evaluated submissions can be: recommended for publication; returned for corrections; or not recommended for publication. If any correction is required, the author will decide on its compliance, however, only works that meet the recommendations of the reviewers will be published. Texts not accepted for publication will be archived by the OJS system and are free for submission to other journals.

The verification of evidence of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or improper copying takes place throughout the preparation process for publication. If plagiarism is confirmed at any stage of the process, the material will be refused.



Starting in 2021, BABEL Journal will adopt the Continuous Publication system, with an annual volume. Published articles about the flow of the editorial process. There are no set deadlines for submissions to the Free Section.

For more information on continuous publishing, read:

https://www.periodicosdeminas.ufmg.br/saiba-tudo-sobre-publicacao-continua/ (pt-br)


Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater world democratization of knowledge.


Code of Ethics and good practices

This journal adopts the Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors, published by the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE as a guideline for its procedures. http://publicationethics.org/files/Code_of_conduct_for_journal_editors_Mar11.pdf


Anti-plagiarism Policy

Before being sent for double-blind evaluation, all manuscripts submitted will be analyzed by the Editorial Committee in order to identify possible evidence of plagiarism and self-plagiarism. It is the exclusive responsibility of the author to guarantee the originality of his/her text, making citations and establishing references, according to the standards defined by the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT). In the event of verification of plagiarism, the work will be immediately rejected.


Journal history

The first issue of the journal was launched in 2011 as part of the actions of the Research Group: Foreign Languages and Literatures in Contemporary Society (GPELLE), linked to the Collegiate of the Graduation course in Letters in English and French Language, at the time, part of the Department of Education, from the University of the State of Bahia – UNEB, campus of the city of Alagoinhas.

One of the objectives of the journal is to bring together the most varied perspectives and approaches in the area of Foreign Languages and Literatures, thus becoming a vehicle for the dissemination of research carried out by the academic community of several universities, research centers in the country and educational institutions.

The Scientific Committee is formed by a body of advisors associated with different higher education institutions in Brazil. When necessary, ad hoc referees of recognized academic competence are invited to evaluate/review the submitted manuscripts.

In 2021, the journal completes 10 years of uninterrupted activity.