Access, permanence and completion of courses at University
What indigenous students say?
This research focused on the study of the ways of access, permanence and the conclusion of courses at the university, aiming to understand what Terena students say about their experience in the university space. It is a qualitative research, with methodological procedures, bibliographic review and semi-structured interviews. It is inspired by the analysis of information from the voices of indigenous students, about the processes experienced at the university. We anchor in post-colonialist authors such as Brand, Calderoni (2012) who give theoretical support to this discussion. With the statements of the interviewees, it can be said that there are many challenges arising from this intercultural relationship. Provisional conclusions indicate that there is a need to build na intercultural dialogue at the investigated university, as the statements point out that this has not yet happened. We understand that universities, when receiving, when including indigenous students need to guide their policies in search of a dialogue with indigenous epistemologies. Their knowledge must be based on the IES curricula in a contextualized way. We point to the importance of intercultural dialogue, like him, we will have democratic relations and respect for the otherness of indegenous peoples.
Keywords: Indigenous Students; College Education; Access and Permanence.
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