Guaranizing school
The Guarani Mbya people in the state of Rio de Janeiro and its teaching and learning processes
This article, as part of the Master's Dissertation, defended in the Postgraduate Program in Education, Contemporaries Contexts and Popular Demands (PPGEDUC), of the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), aims to present the implementation history of schools in the Guarani Mbya indigenous Villages of Rio de Janeiro, in particular, in the Sapukai Village / Angra dos Reis and discuss how this institution has been transformed through the use of the Guarani Mbya's own ways of producing and transmitting knowledge. Inserting their Nhandereko (way of life) in school practices, the Guarani transform school and Western pedagogy from the practice ofan intercultural school. Weintend to address the pedagogical form adopted by the Guarani in their schools that we call Guarani Pedagogy and point out some questions about how it can contribute reflect on the schooling process of non-indigenous people in schools of western matrix.
Keywords: Indigenous school education; Intercultural education; Guarani Mbya
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