Textual cohesion processes in dissertative text of the Indigenous entrance exam/Unioeste
This article presents a linguistic analysis of the textualization process, through the occurrence of argumentation processes in an essay-argumentative text of the indigenous entrance exam / 2015, from the State University of Western Paraná - Unioeste. Concepts of textual linguistics are used in order to understand what is behind the different meanings attributed by the producer to the text, which includes clarifications regarding the semantic aspects that involve cohesion and its role in the constitution of the arguments used to defend the theme. They are crucial mechanisms for argumentation, such as argumentative operators, modalizers and various signs marked by linguistic instructions that reveal the specific context of the producer. These are illustrated as they appear in an essay produced by an indigenous candidate, dealing with the theme of the demarcation of indigenous lands in Brazil. The theoretical framework of Textual Linguistics, contained in this work, shows that the linguistic mechanisms constitute the texture of the text and guarantee a unity of meaning from resumes, articulations and installations of lexical elements, called modal operators. In the reflections undertaken, it is observed that cohesion strategies are indispensable, not only to maintain the textual progression, but also to enable the means by which expressions of adherence to the theme are manifested by the text producer. The presence of such linguistic mechanisms pointed out the relevance of the cohesive process for the textual elaboration, suggesting that the analyzed text made, in good part, fulfill the argumentative function related to the domain of textual cohesion.
Keywords: Indigenous entrance exam; Dissertative text; Textual cohesion.
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