The transgressive language

hooks’teachings in dialogue with Sociolinguistics



hooks, Sociolinguistics, Language Policy, Black Vernacular, Identity


This article aims to discuss the contributions of hooks to linguistic studies. The author suggests reflections that are in line with the studies developed in Sociolinguistics, an approach present in the science of language. We consider that hooks proposes transgressive attitudes that represent effective language policies for the recognition of linguistic variants and diverse dialect teaching. Furthermore, hooks leaves us the legacy of recognizing a linguistic identity in the black vernacular, also present in Brazil. This is only possible when we become subjects of the language, understanding that its modifications and alternative ways of using it represent the memory and history of a people. To carry out this discussion, we intertwined hooks' thinking, sociolinguistic studies and the contributions of authors such as Lélia Gonzalez, Bispo dos Santos, Franz Fanon and Grada Kilomba.


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Author Biographies

Ana Carolina de Souza Silva, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Doutoranda em Linguística (PPGL/UnB), mestra em Linguística (PPGL/UnB) e graduada em Letras Português do Brasil como Segunda Língua (UnB).

Luís Saraiva, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Doutor em Bioética (PPGBioética/UnB), mestre em Metafísica (PPGμ/Unb) e graduado em História ( UFMA) e em Filosofia (FSF).


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How to Cite

Silva, A. C. de S. ., & Saraiva, L. (2022). The transgressive language: hooks’teachings in dialogue with Sociolinguistics . Abatirá - Revista De Ciências Humanas E Linguagens, 3(5), 361–379. Retrieved from