Sulla rivista
Foco e Escopo
Publicar na área de humanas, saúde e ciências sociais aplicadas de forma a promover a inter, a multi e a transdisciplinaridade articulada a realidade das organizações e a compreensão da sociedade.
Publish in the area of humanities, health and applied social sciences in order to promote inter, multi and articulated transdisciplinarity the reality of organizations and the understanding of society.
Geral: contribuir para o avanço do conhecimento na área de humanas, saúde e ciência social aplicada.
• Contribuir para a institucionalização das comunidades científicas na área de humanas, saúde e ciência social aplicada, por meio da divulgação do conhecimento produzido nessas áreas.
• Promover o intercâmbio, o debate teórico e empírico entre autores e leitores desse conhecimento divulgado.
• Contribuir para o aumento da produção de conhecimento na área de humanas, saúde e ciência social aplicada.
General: Contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the area of human, health and applied social science.
• Contribute to the institutionalization of the scientific communities in the area of human, health and applied social science, through the dissemination of the knowledge produced in these areas.
• Promote the exchange, theoretical and empirical debate between authors and readers of this disseminated knowledge.
• Contribute to increased knowledge production in the area of human, health and applied social science.
Os artigos deverão seguir as normas da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas - ABNT, destacando-se as seguintes recomendações.
1. Apresentar Resumo [Português] e Abstract [inglês], com 300-500 palavras; e três a cinco Palavras-chave, Keywords. O título do artigo também deve ser informado nestes dois idiomas.
2. Ilustrações, tabelas, quadros e figuras (gráficos, desenhos, fotografias etc.) devem ser inseridos diretamente no texto nas extensões .tif ou .jpg: numeradas, tituladas, com indicação das fontes. A resolução das imagens deve ser, no mínimo, de 250 pixels.
3. Citações, Referências, Notas de Rodapé, etc.: devem seguir as normas ABNT (NBR 15469:2015) para artigos: as citações bibliográficas ou de website, inseridas no próprio texto, devem vir entre aspas ou em parágrafo com recuo e sem aspas, remetendo ao autor.
4. Diferentes títulos do mesmo autor, publicados no mesmo ano, devem ser diferenciados adicionando-se uma letra depois da data (a, b...).
5. Quando o autor faz parte do texto, este deve aparecer em letra cursiva. Exemplo: De acordo com Freire (ano, p.)...
6. Quando o autor não faz parte do texto, este deve aparecer ao final do parágrafo, entre parênteses e em letra maiúscula. Exemplo: A pedagogia das minorias está à disposição de todos (FREIRE, 1982, p. 35).
7. Notas de Rodapé: devem ser exclusivamente explicativas, numeradas e aparecer no rodapé da página.
O conteúdo dos textos é de inteira responsabilidade dos autores, e sua redação deve estar em conformidade com a gramática e a ortografia da língua portuguesa. A obra deverá ser original e de caráter inédito.
Os autores só poderão publicar, no máximo, um artigo por ano. Os artigos que não cumprirem as normas, aqui, estabelecidas, serão devolvidos com as devidas explicações e/ou recomendações. Cada autor deve informar seu ORCID no preenchimento dos metadados.
Textos Submetidos
Artigos enviados por professores - podendo contar com a participação de orientandos: mínimo de 15 páginas, incluindo as Referências; alinhamento justificado; fonte Times 12, espaço 1,5. Para as citações destacadas: 4cm de recuo, espaço simples. Margem 2,5 para tudo.
- Os artigos só podem ter no máximo 5 (cinco) autores.
Articles should follow the rules of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT, highlighting the following recommendations.
1. Present Abstract [Portuguese] and Abstract [English], with 300-500 words; and three to five Keywords, Keywords. The title of the article must also be informed in these two languages.
2. Illustrations, tables, tables and figures (graphics, drawings, photographs, etc.) must be inserted directly into the text in the extensions .tif or .jpg: numbered, titled, with indication of the sources. Image resolution must be at least 250 pixels.
3. Quotations, References, Footnotes, etc .: must follow the ABNT norms (NBR 15469: 2015) for articles: the bibliographic or website citations, inserted in the text itself, must be in quotation marks or in indented paragraph without quotes, referring to the author.
4. Different titles of the same author, published in the same year, should be differentiated by adding a letter after the date (a, b ...).
5. When the author is part of the text, it should appear in cursive. Example: According to Freire (year, p.) ...
6. When the author is not part of the text, it should appear at the end of the paragraph, in parentheses and in capital letters. Example: Minority pedagogy is available to all (FREIRE, 1982, p. 35).
7. Footnotes: These should be exclusively explanatory, numbered and appear at the bottom of the page.
The content of the texts is the sole responsibility of the authors, and their wording must be in accordance with the grammar and spelling of the Portuguese language. The work must be original and unpublished.
Authors may only publish a maximum of one article per year. Articles that do not comply with the rules set forth herein will be returned with appropriate explanations and / or recommendations. Each author must inform their ORCID when filling in the metadata.
Submitted Texts
Articles submitted by teachers - may include the participation of students: at least 15 pages, including References; justified alignment; Times 12 font, 1.5 space. For highlighted quotes: 4cm indent, single space. 2.5 margin for everything.
The articles can have only up to 5 (five) autors.
Processo de Avaliação pelos Pares
O artigo passará por pelo menos 2 (dois) avaliadores ad hoc (double blind review), mantendo-se o sigilo da autoria aos avaliadores. Os resultados podem ser:
• aprovação para publicação conforme apresentado o original;
• aprovação mediante diligencia para publicação após procedidas as alterações;
• recusa. O resultado da avaliação é sempre comunicado ao autor, com transcrição dos comentários feitos pelos avaliadores. Caso o autor aceite proceder as alterações sugeridas pelos avaliadores, o texto alterado será reencaminhado aos mesmos avaliadores.
NOTA: O periódico não cobra nenhuma taxa de processamento do artigo submetido.
The article will go through at least 2 (two) ad hoc reviewers (double blind review), keeping the authorship confidentiality to the reviewers. The results can be:
• Approval for publication as presented in the original;
• Approval by diligence for publication after changes are made;
• refusal. The result of the evaluation is always communicated to the author, with transcription of the comments made by the evaluators. If the author agrees to make the changes suggested by the reviewers, the amended text will be forwarded to the same reviewers.
NOTE: The journal does not charge any processing fee for the submitted article.
Anual com Fluxo Contínuo
A partir de 2024.
A partir de Volume 9 número 3, a Revista Scientia passa a ter periodicidade ANUAL com publicação em Fluxo Contínuo.
Política de Acesso Livre
Esta revista oferece acesso livre imediato ao seu conteúdo, seguindo o princípio de que disponibilizar gratuitamente o conhecimento científico ao público proporciona maior democratização mundial do conhecimento.
This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.
Rules for Submission; Ethics; and Journal board
a) Accepts for publication unpublished articles by Brazilian and foreign authors that deal with the result of theoretical studies, research, reflections on practices and controversial discussions. All papers should contain the methodology used, as well as the results and conclusions reached.
b) Papers may be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish.
c) The publication of articles is subject to the opinion of members of the Editorial Board or ad hoc contributors. The selection of articles for publication takes as its basic criteria their contribution to the humanities area that corresponds to the Journal's editorial line, the originality of the theme or treatment given to it, as well as the consistency and rigor of the theoretical-methodological approach. Any changes in structure or content suggested by the referees or the Editorial Board will only be incorporated upon the authors' agreement.
d) In case of acceptance of the article, by the Journal Scientia the author (s) grants the right of the first publication.
a) The concepts, ideas and opinions expressed in the manuscripts, as well as the accuracy, adequacy and origin of the bibliographic citations are the sole responsibility of the author (s), not necessarily reflecting the position of the Editorial Board of the Journal, Scientific Editors and Associate Editors. To this end, the author (s) must submit the “STATEMENTS (ANNEX I)” whose model is at the end of these instructions, must contain the signature of all authors, and submit it to mail from Scientia magazine ( along with the two (2) copies of the article, the first identified and the second blind.
3 Clarification on the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) to avoid plagiarism and research misconduct
a) The Scientia Journal, as well as the author (s), may at any time use and / or clarify in the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of one of the three (3) Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). UNIP's ZIP Code is at Campus Indianópolis at Rua Dr. Bacelar, 1212 - 4th floor - Vila Clementino - Sao Paulo - SP / Zip Code 04026-002 (Tel .: 11 5586-4090), your contact email is cep @ (Opening hours - Monday to Thursday from 09 to 19:00 hours and Friday from 09 to 18:00 hours (Responsible: Tica Fernandes / Contact: - More information about CEP may can be purchased at Pesquisa/comite_etica_p Searching.aspx The UNEB ZIP Code can be contacted by phone (71) 3117-2399 or E-mail: Already the IFBA can be purchased can be on the site
• Prior to submission, authors should follow these steps:
a) Articles containing data acquisition or analysis and interpretation of data from other publications shall explicitly refer to them;
b) in the writing of articles that contain a critical review of the intellectual content of other authors, these should be properly cited;
c) Researchers who did not actively and substantially participate in all phases of research and article writing should not be included in the list of authors. In this sense, the editor may request formal explanations about the participation in the production of the article by the authors who subscribe to the text, and it is up to the editor to decide whether or not to accept the submission of the way the authorship was informed. Therefore, the need to fill in Annex B (MINI CURRICULUM AND CONTRIBUTIONS) and send along with the manuscript;
d) All authors must meet the criteria of unpublished authorship of the article and none of the researchers involved in the research may be omitted from the list of authors, so as not to have any doubt please fill in Annex II (MINI CURRICULUM AND CONTRIBUTIONS) and send along with the manuscript.
• To meet the criteria, the following procedures will be performed:
a) The Brazilian study manuscript that involves research or report of experience with human beings should present, in the supplementary file bar, a copy of a document of approval by a Research Ethics Committee (according to Resolution No. 196 of 1996, of the National Health Council (CNS), for studies carried out until the year 2012 and Resolution No. 466, 2012, of the CNS, from the year 2013).
b) Research articles developed in other countries, their authors must comply with the regulation of research ethics of the country of origin, sending a copy of the supporting document of their approval, attaching it in the bar of the supplementary files.
c) The Journal supports the policies for clinical trial registration of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), recognizing the importance of these initiatives.
d) The editorial practice in case of scientific misconduct (plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification or fabrication of data, misuse of references or citations, duplicity, dispute of authorship, among others) follows the procedures, checklist and guidelines of the Code. of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) editors
e) The journal also adopts plagiarism tracking tools and authors should be aware of the implications provided for in the legal provisions of the Penal Code (Article 184) and the Copyright Law (Art. 7, third paragraph of Law No. 9,610 of February 19, 1998. See Law No. 12,853 of 2013).
f) Initially the Scientia Magazine will pre-evaluate the textual content of the articles, seeking to identify plagiarism through the use of plagiarism detection programs, duplicate submissions, manuscripts already published and possible research frauds;
g) The pre-evaluation will be performed by the Editor and the editorial production of Scientia magazine. This stage also evaluates compliance with the publication norms, relevance of the article, as well as basic aspects of the method and scientific writing. At this stage, adjustments may be requested, by sending a check list, upon the return of the authors, and having complied with the requests. If it does not answer, it will be rejected without issuing a substantiated opinion. If the authors do not comment within five days of submitting the checklist, the Editor and / or Editorial Production will send a second notice, and if there is no response within five days, they will archive this submission. The submission process must be restarted.
h) With the results, it will be up to the editor and editorial board to decide whether the manuscript will be sent for peer review
i) The Editor, together with the Editorial Production, will select two ad hoc referees, specialists in the theme and method of the article under evaluation, and will submit the manuscript for evaluation by means of a specific form. Upon receiving the return of the referees will make the referral to the author (s).
a) Only the blind manuscript will be sent for analysis and opinion by two reviewers, researchers with established competence in the area of knowledge of the article, a process in which confidentiality and anonymity will be adopted for author (s) and reviewer (s).
(b) The identity of the author (s) and their home institution shall be kept confidential for both ad hoc consultants as well as vice versa and the assessment shall be carried out independently.
c) The results of the 2 reviewers may be: I) approval for publication as presented in the original; II) approval upon due diligence for publication after changes have been made; and III) refusal, in which case the evaluation result is always communicated to the author, with transcription of the comments made by the evaluators. If the author agrees to make the changes suggested by the reviewers, the amended text will be forwarded to the same reviewers. Acceptance, need for reformulation or refusal opinions are sent to the author (s) for their knowledge and reformulations if necessary. If both reviewers agree, the publication will be immediate following the publication schedule of item 2. However, if you have any opinion with diligence or refusal, the article will only be published after the suggested corrections. It is good to clarify that refusal opinions always return to the responsible reviewer. In cases of due diligence based on the opinion given, the check may be made by any member of the Editorial Board.
d) Upon acceptance and prior to publication, articles may be re-evaluated upon return by the author (s).
e) The final decision on publication is the responsibility of the Scientia Magazine Editorial Board and If positive, the manuscript will be sent for editing (layout and online publication). At this stage, the manuscript may still be sent to the authors for reformulation regarding the adaptation to the norms or modification to the English or Spanish language.
f) When the manuscript is designated for publication in the English or Spanish language, it must be transcribed to the recommended version, the service fee of which must be agreed with the translation company. It is solely up to the author (s) to choose and contact this company, Scientia magazine has no responsibility for such service. After this process, the manuscript will be sent for editing (layout and publication), as long as it maintains the originality and language spelling quality standards.
g) After the layout, the online PDF version of the volume / issue of the Scientia Magazine in which the article will be published.
h) The author, identifying the need to request an erratum, should send it to the journal within 30 days after the publication of the article, and the decision on its relevance and possible distribution will be at the discretion of the journal.
• The authors are responsible for acknowledging and informing the Editorial Board of the existence of conflicts of interest, specifying their nature, which may have any influence on their manuscript.
• Financial reports of any other order should be communicated by each author in individual statements, as available in the SchoolarOne system, in the step-by-step submission of the manuscript. Conflicts of financial interest (when involving direct funding, employment, consulting, stock ownership and fees are the most easily identified and most likely to compromise the credibility of the publication, the authors and science itself. other motivations, such as personal relationships, academic competition, and intellectual passion, which is why we need to fill out the “STATEMENTS".
Journal board
Title |
Name |
Institution |
State |
Country |
Dr |
André Izidoro Ferreira da Costa |
Universidade Estadual Paulista |
São Paulo |
Brasil |; |
Dr |
Ana Paula Miranda Guimarães |
Instituto Federal da Bahia |
Bahia |
Brasil |; |
Dr |
Claudia Moreira Garcia |
Centro de ensino Superior de Foz do Iguaçu |
Paraná |
Brasil |
Dr |
Jarbas Cordeiro Sampaio |
Instituto Federal de Sergipe |
Sergipe |
Brasil |
Dr |
Jean Paulo dos Santos Carvalho |
Universidade Federal do Recôncavo Baiano |
Bahia |
Brasil |; |
Dr |
José Gileá de Souza |
Universidade do Estado Bahia |
Bahia |
Brasil |; |
Dr |
Universidade Estadual Paulista |
São Paulo |
Brasil |
Dr |
Joselito Viana de Souza |
Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana |
Bahia |
Brasil |; |
Dr |
Luís Américo Silva Bonfim |
Universidade Federal de Sergipe |
Sergipe |
Brasil |; |
Dr |
Mariela Sanchez Salas |
Universidad Los Andes |
La Paz |
Bolívia |; |
Dr |
Rodrigo Cambará Arantes Garcia de Paiva |
Associação Vitoriana de Ensino Superior |
Espírito Santo |
Brasil |; |
Dr |
Roque Pinto |
Universidade Estadual Santa Cruz |
Bahia |
Brasil |; |
Dr |
Universidade do Estado Bahia |
Bahia |
Brasil |; |
Dr |
Sérgio Paulo Maravilhas Lopes |
Universidade do Porto e Universidade de Aveiro |
Porto |
Portugal |
Dr |
Vera Ferro Lebres |
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança |
Bragança |
Portugal |
Dr |
Denilson Paulo Souza |
Universidade Estadual Paulista |
São Paulo |
Brasil |; |
Dr |
Ítalo de Paula Casemiro |
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro |
Rio de Janeiro |
Brasil |; |
Dr |
Fernando Pena Gaspar Sobrinho |
Universidade do Estado Bahia |
Bahia |
Brasil |
Dr |
Maria Elena Lucero
Patricia Aguiar de Oliveira |
Universidad Nacional de Rosario Faculdade Nova Esperança - Facene; Centro Universitário Maurício de Nassau - Uninassau
João Pessoa |
Brasil |;; |
Os autores são responsáveis por reconhecer e informar ao Conselho Editorial sobre a existência de conflitos de interesse, especificando a sua natureza, que possam exercer qualquer influência em seu manuscrito.
Relações financeiras de qualquer outra ordem deverão ser comunicadas por cada um dos autores em declarações individuais, conforme disponível no sistema SchoolarOne, no passo-a-passo da submissão do manuscrito. Conflitos de interesse financeiro, (quando envolve financiamento com recursos direto, emprego, consultoria, propriedade de ações e honorários são os mais facilmente identificados e com maior possibilidade de comprometer a credibilidade da publicação, dos autores e da própria ciência. Também podem ocorrer conflitos com outras motivações, tais como relações pessoais, competição acadêmica e paixão intelectual.
Essa licença permite que outras pessoas distribuam, remixem, adaptem e desenvolvam seu trabalho, mesmo comercialmente, desde que sejam creditadas pela criação original.
This license lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.
Histórico do periódico
O seu número um de inauguração foi lançado em maio de 2016, com parceria das faculdades IBES/ISEC. O convênio entre a UNEB, IFBA e IBES/ISEC (hoje UNICEUSA/FACSAL) se manteve até a 11ª edição (set-dez 2019). Após esta a renovação se deu apenas entre a UNEB e IFBA.
Acesse a edição de lançamento: