Call centers e saúde mental

Condições de trabalho e seus desafios


  • Ane Caroline Jesus Marques de Oliveira Universidade do Estado da Bahia
  • Tula Ornellas Farias Santos UNEB


This article aims to examine the complexity of the contemporary world of work, highlighting the influence of working conditions on the mental health of call center workers and challenges. Started from a personal experience and motivated by studies in the Business Administration course, the work focuses on the impact of the pressures and demands of the telemarketing environment, which emerged in Brazil in the 90s. Characterized by high demand, rigorous goals, and low qualification of young workers, the call center sector is conducive to stress and several problems that concern mental health. The research, based on a bibliographic review, reveals that the relationship between managers and operators can aggravate or alleviate this suffering. It is concluded that it is important to reformulate management practices and implement well-being policies to remedy the negative effects on the health and working environment of call centers workers.


Author Biography

Tula Ornellas Farias Santos, UNEB

Graduada em Turismo e Psicologia, especialista em Metodologia do Ensino Superior, MBA em Gestão Ambiental e Mestrado em Educação de Jovens e Adultos.



How to Cite

Jesus Marques de Oliveira, A. C., & Santos, T. O. F. (2025). Call centers e saúde mental: Condições de trabalho e seus desafios. Scientia: Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 10(4), 1–18. Retrieved from