
Mots-clés :

Necropolitics, Covid-19, Public Policy, Nursing, Community Social Psychology


Introduction: This experience report highlights the fields of Nursing and Community Psychology in two Brazilian states during the pandemic period in 2021. Methods: Identifying the situation of the current government, public policies and structural racism in the necropolitical perspective. The definitions of science as biologizing are contradicted, without considering epidemiologically the social and economic determinants combined with aspects of colonialism and capitalism that cause limitations, risks, vulnerabilities and precarious living conditions through their power relations. Results/Discussion: The organization and management of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) in the meanings that express universalization, equity, integrality and popular participation, as opposed to the privatization of health. The concept of necropolitics, by Achille Mbembe, allows us to reflect on the problems and health necessities of the population which is the majority user of public health services, that is, the black population. Final Considerations: This research lists the State's responsibility, which would be to guarantee opportunities, in the social and economic life of the population, ensuring the common interest of society in territories that it neglects, since there is no compliance with the laws, which effects the exclusion and marginalization of these bodies, without ensuring, minimally, the human rights. Thus, the experiences of a Psychologist, with a Community Social approach, working in the largest favela on stilts in the Municipality of Santos, Southeast Region, and a Nurse, on the front line of Covid-19, in the Municipality of Pelotas, South of Brazil. Black women who highlight the need for care in the presented scenarios.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Camila Trindade Coelho, Master's student in Nursing at the Federal University of Pelotas - Brazil

Specialist in Intensive Care Unit by Faculdade Anhanguera. Member of the Center for Studies and Research E'LÉÉKÒ - Anti-racist Decolonial Epistemic Assemblages.

Aurélia Maria Rios, Psychologist at Rios Clínica de Psicologia e Consultoria - Brazil

Master in Sciences from the Federal University of São Paulo. Member of the Center for Studies and Research E'LÉÉKÒ - Anti-racist Decolonial Epistemic Agencies


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Comment citer

Trindade Coelho, C., & Rios, A. M. (2022). EXPERIENCES IN SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST BRAZIL FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF NURSING AND AD PSYCHOLOGY IN VIEW OF THE DECOLONIZATION IN BRAZILIAN PUBLIC HEALTH. Práticas E Cuidado: Revista De Saúde Coletiva, 3, e14213. Consulté à l’adresse https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/saudecoletiva/article/view/14213

