
Palabras clave:

Tuberculosis, Homeless Persons, Women, Gender Analysis in Health


Objective: This study describes the profile of notified tuberculosis cases in homeless women and its relations with gender determination in the showed context. Methods: It was conducted through a descriptive quantitative research based on resources of a brazilian public database (SINAN) in the gap of 2014 to 2019. Results: It shows high percentage of retreatment (36, 5%) and treatment failure (43, 5%). In comparison with men in the same conditions, these women presents lower cure percentage (29, 7%), higher illicit drugs use (68, 7%), HIV/AIDS coinfection (35, 9%) and mental illness (8,4%). Conclusion: In this way, we identify that homeless women manifests singular characteristics in relation to the tuberculosis illness, making urgent the need of health service readjustment for this social segment and the promotion of better sociopolitical support.


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Biografía del autor/a

Isabella Soares Castelo, Nursing Student at the Federal University of Bahia - Brazil

Bachelor of Health

Joilda Silva Nery, Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Public Health at the Federal University of Bahia - Brazil

Post-doctorate from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and Doctor in Public Health from the Federal University of Bahia. Professor at the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco.

Simone Santana Da Silva, Professor at the State University of Bahia - Brazil

Doctor in Public Health Nursing at the University of São Paulo


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Cómo citar

Castelo, I. S., Nery, J. S., & Da Silva, S. S. (2022). TUBERCULOSIS IN HOMELESS BRAZILIAN WOMEN: GENDER ANALYSIS IN HEALTH. Práticas E Cuidado: Revista De Saúde Coletiva, 3, e14206. Recuperado a partir de

