Pandemic, Education, Health, Transformation, UniversityAbstract
Through this experience report, intend to carry out a critical analysis of a teaching and research project, coordinated by undergraduate students, which aimed to stimulate debate and expand studies and research on the impacts of the pandemic on processes teaching-learning process for students at a public university in the interior of São Paulo, based on non-reproductive critical theoretical references of Education. To this end, historical-dialectical materialism was used as a method of understanding political, economic and social reality. The project was organized in the format of meetings on the Google Meet, with the participation of students, teachers and administrative technicians from the institution. The coordinators of the project studied the themes in advance and organized the format of meeting, in order to value the construction of significant learning for participants. After each conversation, an evaluation of the space and a critical summary of the difficulties and experienced in each topic were carried out. In this way, based on the impacts of the pandemic, we can see the appreciation of the medical hospital complex and the biomedical model of understanding Health work, to the detriment of strengthening the SUS and the Health Care Network (RAS), with no focus in Primary Care, in Interdisciplinary care, in the conception of the ''Social determination of the health-disease-care process’' and in the ‘'Person centered clinical method’’. The University must be aligned with the interests of the population and be capable of building a democratic horizon and social transformation.
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