Nephrology; Biomarkers; Translational ResearchAbstract
Introduction: Intensive nephrology contemplates renal pathologies that affect critically ill patients under intensive care and, as it is an recent area of knowledge, it still demands studies that explore alternatives for diagnosis and treatment, in addition to a better pathophysiological understanding of kidney injuries in this level of care, highlighting opportunities for the application of translational research. Objective: This review aims to delimit the current state of the art and understand where are the frontiers of knowledge in intensive nephrology, in its diagnostic, therapeutic aspects and future perspectives. Methodology: This study is a narrative review that carried out extensive research in the literature, including reference papers and databases (PubMed Medline, Google Academics, Scielo and LILACS), selecting articles with potential application in the community and compiling the results in a structured way. They were used as descriptors in the bases: nephrology, biomarkers, translational research and acute kidney injury and the delimited languages were english and portuguese with a focus on the thresholds of diagnosis, treatment and the expectations of using these fundamentals. Results: Update on biomarkers in evidence, such as Kim-1, in addition to contemporary treatment options for intervention in cell metabolism, protein modulation, prescription of antioxidants or anti-apoptotics, use of new drugs and even current ones discussions of renal replacement therapy in the intensive care setting. Conclusion: This narrative review enabled an understanding of the present moment in intensive nephrology, the use of new biomarkers and the frontiers that need to expand translational research for the benefit of patients.
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