Health of Ethnic Minorities, Public Polices, Public Nondiscrimination Policies, Culturally Competent Care, Ethnicity and HealthAbstract
Objective: The present work aimed to identify the scientific production about contributions of the PNSIPN in the elaboration of actions that aim to qualify health care. Method: An integrative review was carried out, choosing to be published in the digital databases: Scielo (Online Scientific Electronic Library) and VHL (Virtual Health Library). Results: Eleven (11) articles were included in the final sample. Professional data were organized into five (5) categories: training and continuing education of professionals who serve the black population; women's health and neonatal and children care; combating structural racism; articulation between culture and ancestry, with daily therapeutic practices; good practices in the area of research on prevalent diseases in the black population. Other cross-cutting issues are articulated in a thematic way of the review as a correspondence between the policy and the qualification of the black population through the implementation of actions that have repercussions on health. Conclusion: The studies show that, although there are practical examples, and important reflections related to the implementation of the PNSIPN, including on structural racism, it should be considered that the Policy must be disseminated and worked on in the daily routine of services and with managers, in order to support the overcoming of inequities and oppressions.
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