Atenção Primária à Saúde, Assistência de Enfermagem, Infecção por CoronavírusAbstract
OBJECTIVE: To describe the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the attributions of the Nursing team in Primary Health Care (PHC). METHOD: This is an integrative literature review in which articles were searched in Portuguese, English and Spanish, from March 2020 to March 2021, through the CAPES Portal, the search portal of the Virtual Health Library (BVS) and the Pubmed database through the Health Sciences Descriptors. RESULTS: A sample of 7 articles selected for the preparation of this study was obtained. The discussion includes two thematic categories: “Measures incorporated into nursing care in primary health care in coping with COVID-19”, with actions related to the reorganization of the flow of care, use of communication technologies, and health education; and “Main challenges experienced by the nursing staff in carrying out their duties in primary health care”, identifying the initial increase in workload, scarcity of materials and impacts on mental health. CONCLUSION: In view of the sanitary crisis of COVID-19, the highlight of the nursing team in Primary Health Care was highlighted, from planning to the execution of strategies, aiming to ensure the improvement of the quality of work and assistance to users despite the adversities of the context.
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