Physical therapy, Prenatal care, Prepartum, Labor, PostpartumAbstract
Objective: to discuss physiotherapeutic approaches in the pre-labor, labor and postpartum periods, referring to the scientific productions published between the years 2015 and 2020. Methods: Data collection and analysis was carried out from April to June 2020 in the PEDro and BIREME (MEDLINE, LILACS, IBECS) databases and other sources. Among the 111 studies identified, 27 were included in the review along with 3 publications from other sources, totaling 30 included studies. Results: Most of the physical therapy interventions addressed in a specific way by the studies, were related to exercises for the pelvic floor muscles; acupuncture and birth ball. The main problems related to women's health were low back and/or pelvic pain, urinary incontinence and labor pain. Regarding the period of the pregnancy puerperal- cycle, most studies focused on the prenatal period. Conclusions: Many of the physical therapy interventions, especially in the prenatal/pre-delivery period, despite providing notorious positive feedback for pregnant women, still need evidence with rigorous methodologies, so that they can be recommended with more forceful justifications.
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