Mortality, Leukemia, Lymphoid, MyeloidAbstract
Aim: To analyze leukemia mortality in Bahia between 2008 and 2018. Method: Study with aggregated data (ecological time-series), which uses data from the Information and Mortality System of the SUS Computer Department. Differences in proportions of leukemia cases by sociodemographic variables and related to the state's health macro-regions, were assessed by the chi-square or Fisher tests. The data were compiled in Excel® (2007) and the analyzes were performed using the Stata program (v.14). Results: There was an increase in the number of deaths, 2,527 deaths due to leukemia, most of them in the Eastern macro-region (68.2%, p <0.001). Deaths predominated significantly in the elderly population (43.4%, p <0.001), in males (57%, p <0.003) and in individuals without partners (49.2%, p <0.002). There was a predominance of deaths in the brown population (58.8%, p= 0.763) and low education (21.8%, p= 0.074). Higher overall mortality rates (per 100,000 inhabitants) predominated in 2018 (1.91), among males (1.02) and among the elderly (0.95). With regard to types of leukemia, myeloid leukemia obtained higher mortality rates, the highest of which was registered in 2018 (1.05), as well as in males (0.59) and in the elderly (0.59). Conclusion: There was an increase in deaths from leukemias in Bahia, and such deaths were concentrated in the eastern macro-region of the state, which may be associated with an uneven distribution of hematologists concentrated in that region when compared to the rest of the state, in elderly males, of brown color (not statistically significant) and in individuals without partners.
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