

NASF, Physiotherapy, Primary care, Interdisciplinary health team


Background: The Physiotherapist plays an important role in NASF-AB, developing assistance and pedagogical technical actions in order to support teams in promoting health and preventing injuries to the population served. Objective: To identify the challenges faced by the Physiotherapist during his performance at NASF-AB. Methods: A narrative bibliographic review was carried out by searching the LILACS, SciELO and PubMed databases, using combinations of the descriptors: physiotherapy, family health, primary health care, Primary Care, Brazil and NASF. The reference lists of the selected articles were consulted in order to include new studies. Results and discussion: 11 Brazilian studies were included in the review, nine of which were of a qualitative nature, published in scientific journals between January 2008 and June 2020, which addressed the difficulties of the Physiotherapist's performance in the program according to the perception of users, Physiotherapists and/or others Primary Care professionals. The most frequent challenges were: infrastructure of the BHU, multiprofessional team work, ability to work in BA, academic training and the relationship between workload and demand referenced to the category. The main causes of the challenges encountered were: problems in the management and coordination of the NASF-AB teams, emphasis on hard technologies, difficulty  interpersonal relationships and resistance to the interdisciplinary and preventive model. Conclusion: Knowing the obstacles to the performance of the physiotherapist in NASF-AB can guide training and continuing education processes that result in the qualification of the professional, improving the quality of the service provided to the population.


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Author Biography

Sabrina Oliveira Viana Viana, Docente na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais.

Mestre em Ciências da Reabilitação pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Fisioterapeuta na Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Horizonte.


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Souza MC, Bonfim AS, Souza JN, Vilela ABA, Franco TB. Fisioterapia e núcleo de apoio à saúde da família: conhecimento, ferramentas e desafios. Mundo saúde (Impr.).2013; 27(2), 176-84. Disponível em: < >.

Formiga NFB, Ribeiro KSQS. Inserção do Fisioterapeuta na Atenção Básica: uma Analogia entre Experiências Acadêmicas e a Proposta dos Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF). Rev. Bras. Ciên. Saúde. 2012; 16(2), 113-22. Disponível em: <>.

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Souza MC, Bonfim AS, Souza JN, Vilela ABA, Franco TB. Fisioterapia e núcleo de apoio à saúde da família: um estudo sob a ótica dos gestores, profissionais e usuários de saúde da família. Rev. APS. 2014; 17(2), 189-94. Disponível em: < >.

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Souza MC, Bonfim AS, Souza JN, Vilela ABA, Franco TB. Fisioterapia, cuidado e sua práxis no núcleo de apoio à saúde da família. Espaç. Saúde. (Online) 2015; 16(2), 67-76. Disponível em: < >.

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FILHO AVD, Vieira, Aveiro MC. Atuação dos Fisioterapeutas dos núcleos de apoio à saúde da família entre idosos do município de Arapiraca-Al, Brasil. Rev. Bras. Promoç. Saúde (Impr.). 2012;25(4), 397-404. Disponível em: < >.

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Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Cadernos de Atenção Básica: Diretrizes do NASF. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2014. Disponível em: < >.



How to Cite

Silva, D. J. R. S., Amorim, M. C. B. V. A., Silva, T. C. D. da S., Santos, S. E. L. S., Silva, V. N. S., & Viana, S. O. V. (2021). CHALLENGES OF PHYSIOTHERAPEUTIC OPERATIONS IN NASF-AB: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Práticas E Cuidado: Revista De Saúde Coletiva, 2, e10144. Retrieved from



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