From Jane Eyre (1847) to Wide Sargasso Sea (1966)

Bertha Mason’s identity (re)construction in post-colonial anglophone prose




Postcolonial Criticism, Identity, Latin American Literature, English Literature


The advent of colonial criticism, after the second half of the twentieth century, brought to light other ways of reading the world, showing how discursive mechanisms of identity construction commonly reinforce power relations established from colonialism and that are sustained until the present. Based on this, we seek, in this article, to investigate the way in which the identity construction of the character Bertha Mason took place, in the novel Jane Eyre (1847), by Charlotte Brontë, and how, in response to the author’s imperialist feminism, Jean Rhys rewrote the story of the same character in Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) from another perspective, giving voice to a Caribbean woman silenced in the previous plot. In order to do so, we take as input the considerations of Spivak (1985), Gilbert and Gubar (2000), Woodward (2014), Bacellar (2020), among others. Our study considers that literature, from a postcolonial perspective, questions the oppressive discourse that permeates the representation of Latin American and Caribbean cultures, allowing the emergence of other ways of seeing the world, refuting stereotypes and breaking silencing.

[Received on: March 14, 2023 - Accepted on: June 10, 2023]


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Author Biography

Auricélio Soares Fernandes, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - UEPB

Doutor e Mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras (UFPB) na área de Estudos Comparados. Graduado em Letras - Habilitação em Língua Inglesa (2011) pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba. Atualmente é Professor Adjunto I de Língua e Literaturas de Língua Inglesa na Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (Campus III, Guarabira - PB) e Professor no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura e Interculturalidade, na UEPB (Câmpus I). Tem interesse / pesquisa nas áreas de Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas, Estudos Comparados, com ênfase em Literatura, Cinema, Televisão e outras mídias, o Gótico, o Romantismo anglo-americano e a Literatura da Era Vitoriana. 


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How to Cite

ALVES DE SOUZA, G.; SOARES FERNANDES, A. From Jane Eyre (1847) to Wide Sargasso Sea (1966): Bertha Mason’s identity (re)construction in post-colonial anglophone prose. Pontos de Interrogação – Journal of Cultural Criticism, Alagoinhas-BA: Laboratório de Edição Fábrica de Letras - UNEB, v. 13, n. 1, p. 319–334, 2023. DOI: 10.30620/pdi.v13n1.p319. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.