Memory echoes
writing the helf as a way of denouncement in “Estátua de Sal” by Maria Ondina Braga
Maria Ondina Braga, Portuguese literature in the Orient, Macao’s literature, Feminine literature, Writing the selfAbstract
Maria Ondina Braga (1932-2003), an itinerant and contemporary Portuguese writer, frequently drew on the themes of travel and alterity for her literary aesthetics. Along these thematic lines, the work under study, Estátua de Sal (1983), constitutes a romanticized autobiography where Ondina Braga’s biographical experience is fictionalized, literarized and, above all, self-analyzed. Focusing exclusively on Maria Ondina Braga, the following is the purpose of this article: (i) reviewing aspects of literary theory by taking into consideration, on the one hand, the specifics of such a writing and, on the other hand, broadly presenting the work; (ii) then, presenting two main objectives. As the first step, the architecture of memory is being problematized, or in other words, how memory is positioned and shared within the narrative space; as a second step, an analysis of selected textual excerpts is being carried out; the third step involves revisiting and sharing the inner world of the character through a reading perspective that considers writing to be a space for condemning and criticizing social and cultural forces.
[Received on: January 29, 2023 - Accepted on: June 10, 2023]
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