An artificial record of contemporary memory
the Blogs
Memory, Female authorship, Blogs, Ângela VilmaAbstract
The theme “memory” has been the object of research in several areas of study in recent times. Areas ranging from the field of health to the field of culture. It is possible to see how this theme generates possibilities. From the 20th century onwards, the paper support was gradually replaced by the computer screen, which expanded the individual's ability to gather memories in an external apparatus, at the same time that it made possible the gradual lag of the human physiological capacity to remember. It is in this technological scenario that we seek to investigate the new paths woven by the individual memory of those who toil with the craft of writing. With new technologies, writers began to produce their texts in a circuit of authorship, publication and reception different from previous centuries, due to the use of new tools such as the blog. The purpose of this text is to discuss the extent to which blogs can be a new way of archiving personal and collective memory, especially when texts written under the bias of a female authorship are linked to this situation. The combination of individual memory with the strength of literary memory, therefore collective, activates a power in the blog Aeronauta by Bahian writer Ângela Vilma. Thus, the discussion undertaken in this text considers memory as a process that is in constant transformation due to historical and/or social factors and that can be both in the individual and collective fields. This work was developed based on the considerations made by Maurice Halbwachs (1990), Denise Schittine (2004), Luiza Lobo (2007), Lúcia Santaella (2011), Philippe Lejeune (2014), among others. Therefore, this study proves to be relevant, because it will shed light on urgent issues in the 21st century, which are: a look at the current literature produced by women in Bahia, a study on blog support and its legitimacy within the academic universe.
[Received on: July 29, 2021 - Accepted on: October 30, 2021]
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