Autobiography and human formation
reflecting with Goethe
Autobiography, Goethe, Human formationAbstract
The aim of the article is to identify processes of human formation in the autobiography of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) – From my life: poetry and truth – focusing on the analysis of the preface to the work in which the author responds to a letter from friend readers , understood as a text by Goethe himself, and explains the points and counterpoints of his choice for an autobiographical writing to satisfy the demand of his readers. This study, situated in the narrative (auto)biographical paradigm, discusses four dimensions of the autobiography process along the lines of Bildung: as an authorial process; awareness in the intersections with historical contexts, contacts with people near and far, as well as with other authors; explicitation of the multiplicity and metamorphoses of oneself, from a synchronic and diachronic point of view, in the search for an articulation between Poetry (art) and Truth (history) as complementary entities in the existential, intellectual construction of a public man and author of his literary work. The notion of Bildung is fundamental to understanding Goethe's autobiography and his formation novels (Bildungsroman) as the author's proposal on human formation.
[Received on: July 29, 2021 - Accepted on: October 30, 2021]
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