
  • Lara Jatkoske Lazo escola municipal agrícola de tempo integral, a E.M.A. "Eng. Rubens Foot Guimarães" - Rio Claro-SP




Guia PNLD - Literário; Ensino de língua; Diversidade linguística.


Abstract: this article presents an analysis of the language of the e-book Guia PNLD 2020 - Literary Works (PDF) and aims to identify the linguistic policy present in the selected corpus: whether or not it reproduces the universalist idea of ​​erasing cultural and linguistic differences, in order to identify what type of discourse is offered to teachers, in the selection of national and foreign works, and to Fundamental Education students in public schools. It is possible to observe how the look at multicultural and multilingualism manifests itself (GUIMARÃES, 2005, p. 22) in the context of teaching the mother tongue of Brazil, in the context of national linguistic diversities and migration. The analysis methodology, the documentary, is based on discourse analysis (BAKHTIN, 2010, 2015, 2016). It is concluded that the look at diversity is present in the corpus, with more space for multicultural than for multilingualism (PUH, 2020), and whose levels of erasure occur more effectively in the text body of the document due to the the lack of expressiveness for a terminology that directly refers to them, a possible effect of the absence of a systematization of linguistic policies that give more invisibility to differences (PUH, 2020) and that guide teachers to reflect on issues of linguistic diversity in the choice of literary works.


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Author Biography

Lara Jatkoske Lazo, escola municipal agrícola de tempo integral, a E.M.A. "Eng. Rubens Foot Guimarães" - Rio Claro-SP

Sou professora estatutária de Língua Portuguesa no Ensino Fundamental II em uma escola municipal agrícola de tempo integral, a E.M.A. "Eng. Rubens Foot Guimarães" - Rio Claro-SP. Sou professora de ballet, bailarina e também tenho uma academia de dança.  Fiz a graduação em Letras, Licenciatura em Língua Portuguesa/Latim, na Unesp de Araraquara-SP; mestrado em Educação, na linha de Linguagem-Experiência-Memória-Formação, na Unesp de Rio Claro-SP.  Atualmente faço doutorado (primeiro ano) em Educação, na linha de Linguagem-Experiência-Memória-Formação, na Unesp de Rio Claro-SP;


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