



Literature; Theatre; Adaptation.


Reflecting about the literary text adaptation process to a theatrical work is the article primary scope, through the creative trajectory reconstitution of the Nhô Guimarães text, written by Aleilton Fonseca, an author from Bahia, to theatrical montage by the Núcleo Criaturas Cênicas, a theatre group from the city of Salvador, at Bahia. For that, the investigation assumes the qualitative research as a methodological horizon, focusing on the subject's subjectivities, starting from the listening of the main professionals involved in the adaptation: the novel’s author and the play’s actress and director. Some interviews partial results reveal that the experience of adapting from an artistic language to another is a creative act in itself and an another work of art, empirically demonstrating: a) the nature of a scenic adaptation process; b) the expectations senses and feelings: enchantment versus strangeness in an aesthetic appreciation; c) The expansion of artistic frontiers and its consequences in new creations. The text aims to provoke reflection and ideas and stimulate actions and projects by researchers and theatre and literature creators who wish to open a dialogue between an already constructed work, creating another.


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Author Biographies

Edinilson Mota Dias (Pará) (Pará), UFBA

Mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas. Jornalista. Diretor de teatro.

Cilene Nascimento Canda Canda, Universidade federal da Bahia

Doutora pelo P´rograma de Pós-Graduação em Artes Cênicas. Professora do P´rograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA).


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