



Autoria de mulheres, Relações de gênero, Helena Parente Cunha


Based on the assumptions of feminist criticism, in this article, she intends to analyze the short story "The women's department of the club", belonging to the Collection Vento gale gale, by the writer Helena Parente Cunha, in order to identify how the narrative evidences the subjugation and imposition of domestic roles to women. We also verified the metaphor behind the reference to this female department, that is, this means of distribution and/or subdivision within public or private spheres. The author's narrative outlines a picture of the society of the time, but brings up contemporary themes, since it addresses gender inequality and weaves, through the literary text, a critique of the discourses and social practices that feed the hierarchical look between genres. The short story shows the division of roles and the existence of social and matrimonial contracts, which are preached in the theoretical lines of feminism. In view of the above, we analyze the social and cultural marks left by the patriarchal values of domination and submission of women. From the critical feminist theoretical perspective, this study dialogues with the theoretical bases of: Pateman (1993), Lauretis (1994) and Showalter (1994).


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