Motivation, Commitment, Permanent and Temporary WorkersAbstract
This study analyzed the influence of different types of motivation on organizational commitment among permanent and temporary workers in a large multinational industry. This is a descriptive survey, with data collected from 96 permanent and 36 temporary workers, and a quantitative approach. The results showed that affective commitment was the only one to be reduced due to the intrinsic motivation of temporary workers and the internalized motivation of permanent workers. This result reveals that there are weaknesses in the relationships between the organization and professionals, especially when workers generate the feeling of belonging to the organization. The other types of commitment (affective, normative, and instrumental) increased as a result of motivation. We found that the commitment of permanent workers was influenced by different motivational aspects than that of temporary workers. We conclude that the commitment of permanent and temporary workers is motivated by different factors, and the reactions of individuals who work in the same context differ in relation to their perceptions of environmental impulses, needs, and individual preferences. We contribute to discussions in the behavioral area of accounting, demonstrating that temporary work adopted as a management strategy by companies can affect the level of motivation and commitment of workers. Moreover, temporary workers may undertake different levels of effort in the development of their activities, which in addition to affecting individual productivity, can negatively impact the company's performance.
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