Disclosure, Notes, ReadabilityAbstract
This work is aimed at investigating the determinants of readability of notes to the financial statements of brazilian public-held companies. This is an exploratory study with quantitative approach, carried out from standard financial statements annually divulged by the companies participating in the IBrX 50, between 2010 and 2016. To measure readability, the Flesch Readability Formula was adopted. Data were analyzed through multiple linear regression. The results highlight that the notes of the companies have low readability and that the variables like size, operational complexity, time of listing, governance, auditing by big four and the length of the report are statistically significant to determine the readability of the notes. The results highlight that, even though the companies studied are the largest ones, with better levels of corporative governance and they are audited by renowned auditing firms, their notes to the financial statements have low readability. This research contributes by highlighting that even large companies, audited by renowned companies in auditing and with high levels of governance, lack greater zeal with the preparation and disclosure of accounting information, considering the low readability identified. The verification of the notes’ low readability draws attention to the importance of actions performed by the accounting regulators and operators, in order to provide an enhancement of the information delivered to users.
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