Capital structure, Pecking Order, Tradeoff, Corporate Social Responsibility, Global Reporting InitiativeAbstract
This study aims to verify whether the capital structure of Brazilian and Chinese companies that disclose Corporate Social Responsibility report, listed on the NYSE, are aligned with the theories of Pecking Order and Tradeoff, from 2008 to 2018. Data were collected through secondary sources, and the accounting information obtained from Economática® databases, and information on the disclosure of CSR reports on the GRI model obtained on the webpage of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It was made the comparison test of means, factorial ANOVA and multiple regressions data on unbalanced panel were made. The results show that the capital structure of Brazilian and Chinese companies aligns with the pecking order theory. There is a difference in the leverage of companies that disclose (or not) the report for Brazilian companies, with a positive impact of CSR on leverage, while among Chinese companies the result was not significant. Finally, the leverage of Brazilian companies that publish CSR report differs from Chinese companies that also disclose that report.
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