Information asymmetry; Agency Theory; Efficient-market hypothesis; Insider Trading.Abstract
The aim of this paper was to verify the impact of the leak of the award-winning statement by the executive of JBS S.A. on the returns of the Brazilian stock market, based on the Efficient Market Hypothesis. For this purpose, the data of the companies that are part of the IBrX 100 index were analyzed, from 2017 to 2018. In addition, the study investigated the behavior of the JBS group controllers during the leak of the award-winning period, using the ICVM 358 forms. The data was analyzed by a study of events and through statistical information, using correlation and regression tests. The results show that the Brazilian stock market is efficient, in its semi-strong form, because the leaked information had an impact on the market. The relationship between the leak of the award-winning statement and the return of the shares was negative, both for the brazilian market and for JBS. In addition, it was found that close to the period of the award-winning statement leak, the controllers increased considerably the number of shares sold, which may indicate that insider trading may have occurred.
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