The State Control Structure Increases Adherence to Governance Differentiated Segments of B3


  • Alison Geovani Schwingel Franck Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Igor Bernardi Sonza Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


Corporate governance, State control structure, Differentiated levels


The Brazilian government participates directly in public companies in different sectors, focusing on the energy (generation and distribution), transport and banking sectors. In order to identify whether this participation is beneficial for such companies from the point of view of corporate governance, the present study sought to investigate the effect of the state control structure on corporate governance using data from a sample of Brazilian public companies between 2010 and 2016. Using data obtained from the reports of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), a logit regression analysis was performed with unbalanced data using the OLS model. As a result, we identified that state control structure increases the likelihood of the companies be listed in different segments (Novo mercado, Nível 1 e Nível 2) of B3, which serve as a parameter of governance quality of such companies.


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