Proposal of ecological trail for the waterfall of mineiros, in Ponte Alta do Bom Jesus/TO
Interpretative trail, Environmental Education, Ecotourism, CerradoAbstract
Environmental Education is effective in developing alternatives for relationship between man and nature. The interpretive trails are ideal because they offer direct contact with the natural elements. In this paper, the objective was to determine a proposal for an interpretative trail for Cachoeira of Mineiros, to promote the contact of visitors with the environment, as well as to demonstrate that EE can contribute to the conservation of springs and water resources. The methodology was adapted and the planning of the interpretative script consisted of six stages: identification of opportunities and needs of the Conservation Unit (CU); identification of the target audience; definition of objectives and theme; carrying out the interpretative inventory; analysis of interpretative opportunities; selection of interpretative strategies and proposal of the script. After the analysis, it was concluded that these trails are effective in educating visitors about the environment. It is possible to promote environmental awareness among users, making them aware of the importance of conserving water resources. The proposed interpretative script can be effectively adopted. It is also expected to contribute to the search for ecological values, with good evaluation and observation of visitors.
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