School education in the forest
Indigenous teachers’ dilemmas and perspectives at the 1st Research Seminar of the Indigenous School in the morada Nova/Feijó (Acre) Village
This article brings reflections about the dilemmas faced by teachers and representatives of different ethnic groups in Acre State, with regard to the education offered in the indigenous villages and the necessities that stimulate these teachers to seek formal education, which submits them limits imposed by this type of training. We used fragments from narratives of indigenous teachers and other participants during the “1st Research Seminar of the Indigenous School” that took place from September 18th to 22nd, 2019, in Morada Nova Village, located in the municipality of Feijó, Acre, Brazil. We aimed to identify an epistemology that guides pedagogical practices developed in the indigenous villages and the logic that defines the school of the State as a formal school. Based on theories that address issues related to these people and their culture, we problematize the concepts of identity, interculturality and indigenous and non-indigenous schools. As a theoretical contribution we based our article on authors such as Larrosa (2018), reflecting on the knowledge from the experience; Masschelein and Simons (2014), when talking about the formal school and its social function; Coracini (2007), Hall (2006) and Bauman (2005) talking about the identity issues and the construction of the other; Benveniste (2005) and Orlandi (1995) that show the relations of intersubjectivity present in the speeches and based on the silences that intertwine themselves in different contexts. Some conclusions of this article show that the speeches of indigenous peoples, through some of their teachers that represent them, show the concepts such as indigenous village schools, interculturality, bilingualism, subjectivities / identities in line with the creation of a school that allows the construction of a being for yourself and to the world are a constant concern.
Keywords: School; Identity; Interculturality.
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