Portuguese Language classes in indigenous school

What is the role of teaching materials?



In this article we propose to discuss the role of didactic materials in Indigenous School Education, in the Pataxó context. For this, we bring a brief theoretical discussion, in which we present the purposes of the materials and the textbook. In order to illustrate this theoretical discussion, we bring an analytical study, which consists of interviews with the coordinator and three Pataxó teachers. The interviewees work in the Final Years of Elementary School of the Pataxó Coroa Vermelha Indigenous School, our object of study. The interpretative-analytical procedure of the statements obtained by the interviews is guided by the theoretical-methodological proposition of the so-called Dialogical Discourse Analysis, of Bakhtinian orientation.

Keywords: Indigenous School Education; Teaching materials; Textbook.



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Author Biographies

Márcia Aparecida Rodrigues e Silva, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Santa Cruz Cabrália-Bahia (SEMED-SCC-BA)

Mestre em Letras Linguagens e Representações pelo PPGL da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC),  Docente da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Santa Cruz Cabrália-BA, Integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa LINDES: Linguagens, Discurso e Sociedade (CNPq/IFBA); 

Urbano Cavalcante Filho, Instituto Federal de Educação da Bahia (IFBA)

Doutor em Filologia e Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade do Estado de São Paulo; Professor/Pesquisador do Instituto Federal da Bahia (IFBA - Campus Ilhéus); Professor/Orientador do Mestrado e Doutorado do PPGL Linguagens e Representações e do Mestrado Profissional em Letras (PROFLETRAS) da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC); Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa LINDES: Linguagens, Discurso e Sociedade (CNPq/IFBA).



How to Cite

Rodrigues e Silva, M. A., & Cavalcante Filho, U. (2020). Portuguese Language classes in indigenous school: What is the role of teaching materials?. Abatirá - Revista De Ciências Humanas E Linguagens, 1(2), 98–118. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/abatira/article/view/9646