The study-book as an activation of Pataxó living knowledge
The article relates the process of creation and conception of the study-book "Kijetxawê Zabelê - Aldeia Kaí" from senses such as meeting-book, living-book, territory-book and understandings about the pedagogy of enchantment and hãmyá. The guiding questions of the text are: "How to think about the book not from the point of view of its passivity, but of its activation? What does it bring about and how does it feed a flow, in permanent movement?" From didactic senses referenced as ways of composing with the book, placing it in the living circle of life of each school community, each reader from anywhere in Brazil, being possible, to sing, play, write, draw, but above all to connect the stories of the Pataxó of Cumuruxatiba with their own stories of resistance, with their elders, the spiraling time of their territory, their enchanted. Sign up, incarnate and enchant from the book. Book as a power of territorialization of living knowledge, which extrapolates the page in other modes of learning, opening itself to the meaning of book-body-territory
Key-words: study-book. Indigenous school. body-territory. Hãmyá.
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