Interculturality and health professional education of indigenous health agents in the region of upper Purus river, Brazil
This article discusses the intercultural perspective in the formation of Indigenous Health Agents in the context of the Upper Rio Purus/Brazil. It seeks to discuss the Technical School of Health Maria Moreira da Rocha’s experience in the implementation of a course directed to Community Indigenous Agents of Health, between 2012 and 2014. It is a qualitative research, which uses content analysis, from the semi-structured interviews conducted. It is examined from a critical analysis of interculturality the discourses adopted on the curriculum construction and implementation. We highlight the discussions regarding the discourse on cultural "rescue" in the proposal, the use of the role of indigenous mediators and translators in the development of activities, the approach to medical pluralism and the conflicts arising from the change in the model of care in health services. We identified that interculturality is an important challenge in the formation of Indigenous Health Agents, due to its multiple implications in the pedagogical process. We conclude that this experience alerts us to the importance of the discussion on interculturality in education for the formulation and implementation of Indigenous Health Agents training processes.
Keywords: Interculturality; Indigenous Health Agents; Professional Training; Indigenous Education; Curriculum.
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