Student perceptions regarding racism seen by the experience of a black teacher
This article presents discussions and analyzes of student perceptions about racism. This is the conclusion work of a degree course in geography, taught at the State University of Feira de Santana - UEFS. The elaboration of this research was based on experiences resulting from observation internship activities, co-participation and class management for two years (2018 and 2019). It was developed under a qualitative approach, the methodological procedures are based on the behavioral and attitudinal observation of students on the racial issue, theoretical discussions on the subject, activities and a focus group with 15 students from a state school located in the city of Feira de Santana/BA. Student reports illustrate the tenacity of institutionalized racism, its subtleties and the reactions of students to racist situations. We also consider situations that have occurred in other social environments, such as the family cycle, which was an enriching component for research.
Key words: Institutional racism; Students; Society; Black population; Teachers.
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