Ode to lost time or about what I found
Poetic perspectives in times of radicalities and disobedient practices
Lines, Subjectivity, Marks, Trauma, Visual ArtsAbstract
Through artistic, theoretical, academic, and biographical writing, I bring three concepts fundamental to the existence of this research in art: poetics, trauma, and lines. We operated with Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's (1996) hard, malleable, and vanishing lines, and the concept trauma with Grada Kilomba (2019) and Suely Rolnik (1993). Therefore, the following propositions were elaborated: How to create in conjunction with trauma? How to (re)create from trauma? How do subjective issues present themselves in the creative process? How to re-signify to the point of forming new lifelines? How to practice disobedience in the arts, in education, and in life? How to produce meaning? Throughout this study, the meanings of the lines were explored in order to form connections between poetics and trauma, thus noting that the (re)creation of the self activates new lines in the subjective weaving. And the production of meaning, as if in an anthropophagic movement, keeps manifesting new currents and concepts, as well as new ways of acting and thinking.
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