Loving as a revolutionary educational practice
The commitment of an education for love
Love, Education, Revolutionary educational practiceAbstract
This essay is the result of a desire of a Pedagogy student, to propose, together with her teacher of Ethnic-Racial Relations Education, both black women, reflections on love as an educational theme. Starting from the notion of teaching committed to a loving education, we take objective definitions that bell hooks proposes about love, and we discuss the importance of such definitions so that we do not fall into disaffection. Love here is understood as a desire to nurture our spiritual and intellectual growth and that of the other person also involved in the teaching and learning process. Based on this definition, we recognize love as a revolutionary educational practice and, as a result, the need to commit to loving teaching in everyday school life. The objective of this essay is to strengthen the path of those who believe in the possibility, through education, of forging a world in which it is less difficult to love.
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