(Re)Thinking the Teaching-Learning Process in Rural Schools
From pedagogical practices that contribute to environmental education
Environmental Education, Organic Vegetables, Pedagogical practicesAbstract
This article is the result of the unfolding of the research project for the conclusion of the Pedagogy course carried out in a multigrade class of Elementary School I, at Escola Municipal João Rocha da Silva (EMJRS), with the objective of understanding how the production of organic vegetables can contribute to the development of pedagogical practices that include environmental and family education. In dialogue with students and teachers of this school, it was possible to perceive the need to work with this theme, first, as a way to redirect the garbage produced in the school; second, as a contribution to pedagogical practices that can be undertaken from the production of vegetables and meet possible needs of students within the school itself. Thus, in order to carry out the research, a previous survey was necessary, with a structured questionnaire to understand how the teacher understood the importance of pedagogical practices aimed at environmental and family education in rural schools, using these elements in an interdisciplinary way for the EMJRS. When thinking about this research as a possible pedagogical strategy for innovations in rural education, capable of transforming subjects and their realities, we had as theoretical support the productions of (CAJAIBA, 2013); (ARROYO, 2011), (CALDART and MOLINA, 2011); (RIOS, 2014). Because I understand the need to “collect data from people”, I chose field research (FONSECA, 2002), with an exploratory qualitative-quantitative approach, because we understand that this type of research provides greater familiarity with the investigated problem (MINAYO,1996). We used as instruments and research techniques data collection, structured interview (closed questionnaire), observation of the variables of the object under study.
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