Can a Black artist intellectually dialogue with her art?
Beyoncé and the ethical-aesthetic and intellectual dimensions of art
Beyoncé, Afrocentricity, Black IntellectualityAbstract
Resulting from the monograph “Entre colmeias & quilombos”, in this text we will discuss from and with Beyoncé about how her art and, especially, her music, promote a resumption of epistemes, cosmologies and Afro-civilizing values that were displaced from the experiences of black people from the advent of slavery so that the artistic proposition serves to rehumanize and reafricanize black people from the construction of narratives of possibilities of existence, both today and tomorrow and that is not limited to the limitations imposed by the West. We will bring here the identity we attribute to Beyoncé as a black intellectual and activist. As hooks reminds us, a Black woman who thinks, feels, creates narratives and possibilities for life, especially for her Black people. We will also address the place in which the artist and all of us who are under the aegis of the West, where we are accompanied by contradictions in our speech, positions, etc. However, these ambiguities do not diminish the goals of our actions, as well as the actions themselves; they only allow us to realize our limitations so that, who knows, we may no longer fall back into Western logics.
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