Sabela and the flood

The rewriting of the Brazilian’s genesis



Sabela, Conceição Evaristo, flood, transmission, memory


This article’s aim is to investigate Conceição Evarito’s “Sabela”, as a possible rewriting of the genesis of Brazilian nation. In order to reflect about this subject, we will, in the first place, think about the myths and collective memory, including them as “founding memories”. Secondly, we will think about the opposition between literary culture and popular knowledges, in order to figure out the main contentious issues that comes from this dynamic. Finally, we will talk about the importance of the transmission of the memories. In this case, a special emphasis will be stressd on oral transmission of stories from marginalized people. That’s why Pollack’s theory (1993), refering to the “subterranean memories”, will establish a fundamental theorical foundation for our reasoning. We will see the importance of the role of the writer in the recover and the transmission of collective memory, that, in Conceição Evaristo’s case, has been passed on orally in an unformal structure (familiar or comunal), to be therafter put into writing.


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Author Biography

Pauline Champagnat, Université Rennes 2 (UR2, França)

Doutora em Literatura pela Universidade Université Rennes 2 (França), com a seguinte tese : « Littérature et identités minorisées dans les œuvres de Conceição Evaristo (Brésil) et Paulina Chiziane (Mozambique) ». Membro associada à equipe de pesquisa ERIMIT (Université Rennes 2). Pós-doutoranda na Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Professora adjunta no departamento da Universidade Rennes 2 (França). 


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How to Cite

Champagnat, P. (2021). Sabela and the flood: The rewriting of the Brazilian’s genesis . Abatirá - Revista De Ciências Humanas E Linguagens, 2(4), 414–432. Retrieved from



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