Education and/or Teaching Quality Puzzle

re-reading from the speeches and praxis of Higher Education Teachers and Students in Mozambique





This article reflects on Education and / or Teaching Quality Enigma, from the re-reading of the speeches and praxis of higher education teachers and students. Thus, the perceptions of the research subjects were captured and analyzed in the light of the consulted authors. This exercise aims to contribute to the discussion around the object under study, constituting not only an alternative for theoretical debate, but also for the improvement of educational processes. The research opted for a qualitative approach, since, through the interview, opinions and ideas were collected from the interviewees about their understanding of the quality of teaching. Data collection techniques include bibliographic and documentary research. The article opted for a non-probabilistic sampling of 35 intentional subjects, among teachers and students, working in 3 higher education institutions. The collected content was analyzed in the light of Bardin's (1977) content analysis technique. The study understands that the definition of the quality of education is measured, interpreted and perceived according to the context (academic, political, social, cultural, etc.) and the meaning that is intended to be attributed to the context and depends on the variables that are triggered, isolated or collectively (economic, political, social, cultural, ideological). In this way, any attempt to generalize its understanding and meaning will be doomed to failure and misunderstanding. The quality of teaching depends on teacher training, infrastructure; committed students; natural phenomena, corruption, school organization, dialogue between intra and extra-school factors, harmonious combination of the trinomial: research, teaching and extension. This work also defends that the quality of teaching and / or education does not depend only on the efforts of the State and / or Government, but requires the active, prompt and responsible collaboration of the various living actors of the Society.

Keywords: Quality of education and / or teaching. Higher education teachers and students.


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Author Biography

José de Inocêncio Narciso Cossa, Academia de Ciências Policiais (ACIPOL/Moçambique)

Doutor (PhD) em Ciências de Educação, Linha de Pesquisa - Currículo: Sujeitos, Conhecimento e Cultura na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) - Brasil. Mestre em Desenvolvimento Curricular e Instrucional na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM). Chefe do Departamento de Investigação e Gestor de Mestrado. 



How to Cite

Cossa, J. de I. N. (2021). Education and/or Teaching Quality Puzzle: re-reading from the speeches and praxis of Higher Education Teachers and Students in Mozambique. Abatirá - Revista De Ciências Humanas E Linguagens, 2(3), 154–175. Retrieved from



Dossiê: Educação Camponesa na América Latina