Le pays comme hôtel: transculturel et mobilites geo-symboliques dans les Ameriques


  • Patrick Imbert




In the 19th century, writers in Québec and Mexico equated  the United-States to a hôtel, that is to a place linked to change, instability and loss of identity. In Québec, in the 19th century, Adolphe-Basile Routhier, the author of the national anthem « O Canada » in its french version, valorized homogeneity and stability. These values are put in jeopardy by modernity and technology, a situation, which is seen as positive by the Canadian thinker T. C Keefer who published Philosophy of the Railroads in 1853. Nowadays, comparing a country like Canada to a hôtel is seen as very positive by thinkers such as Yann Martel and Pico Iyer. Both of them are keen suporters of transcultural encounters. Being a Canadian nowadays means valorizing change and hybridity.


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Como Citar

IMBERT, P. Le pays comme hôtel: transculturel et mobilites geo-symboliques dans les Ameriques. Pontos de Interrogação – Revista de Crítica Cultural, Alagoinhas-BA: Laboratório de Edição Fábrica de Letras - UNEB, v. 8, n. 1, p. 121–141, 2018. DOI: 10.30620/p.i.v8i1.5211. Disponível em: https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/pontosdeint/article/view/5211. Acesso em: 22 jan. 2025.