Call for publication Vol 10, nº 1: Reflections on Literacies, Literary Education and Cultural Studies.


Revista Pontos de Interrogação: Revista de Crítica Cultural

Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Crítica Cultural da UNEB

Vol 10, n° 1, jan./jun. 2020

ISSN 2178-8952



Maria de Fátima Berenice (UNEB); María Del Mar López-Cabrales (Colorado State University); Carlos Magno Santos Gomes (UFS).


The scope of the concept of literacy allows us to affirm that due to the speed of transformations that occurred in the world, allowing new possibilities in the field of reading and writing, this term has undergone numerous resignifications. Thus, this dossier intends to reflect on the various possibilities of literacies, through the diversity of cultural and social practices of reading and writing that are present in today's society, composing the multiple literacies. Linked to this reflection we will seek to present in this dossier the research on social culture and its production of meanings in contemporary societies. In this conception of cultural studies that breaks with the notion of culture linked to artifacts, its direct affiliation is in transforming its knowledge into a tool of political change, aiming at carrying out an intervention in society, migrating from reflection to criticism so that one can transcend the academic environment and reach the great masses of social excluded. Based on these considerations, the Dossier 2020.1 presents proposals in the theoretical and methodological context of research on Reflections on literacies, literary education and cultural studies. Such research will be of fundamental relevance to think about the research-training constructed by academic and experiential knowledge as constructs necessary for teacher training. This, here are some thematic clippings on which we will receive collaborations for the number of Revista Pontos de Interrogação ISSN 2178-8952 proposed here:


  1. Acquisition of reading, writing and teacher training
  2. Literary reading, teaching and reception
  3. Language, literature and cultures studies.

Papers will be accepted –in English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese– until April 30st 2020. Please, submit your texts directly at,. 


The publication norms may be consulted at:


Revista Pontos de Interrogação: Revista de Crítica Cultural

Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Crítica Cultural da UNEB

Vol 10, n° 1, jan./jun. 2020

ISSN 2178-8952
