Literatura. Capoeira. Performance. Literaginga.Abstract
Literaginga is epistemic, by placing literature and ginga as a producer of critical and subjective power, bringing questions to literary production and constituting a methodology, from the creation of the reading device as an analysis of literatures to be observed. The notion of literaginga acts as an instance of movement, aesthetics and writing, as it gives vent to the change of perspective on the idea presented here. This article consists of the presentation of a synesthetic resource approaching strong elements of the black-Brazilian cultural memory, such as capoeira, due to its symbolic content, to deal with tools used in literature. For this, the theoretical contribution of studies fostered by the characteristic aspects of literature was used, which resorted to Antônio Cândido (2006), in order to think about the relationship between literature and society. To rub the contests related to the creation of words, he used the notion exposed by Guilbert (1975). To promote performance studies approaching literature, Graciela Ravetti (2002) was used. In addition, he invoked the knowledge of capoeira masters to reflect on their cultural and social importance. The objective pointed to the cultural verification of the literaginga concept in order to build a dialectic between capoeira and literature, understanding the development and deepening of new methodologies of knowledge. The methodology is based on a bibliographic study, based on material already prepared and consisting mainly of books and scientific articles. The results point to a new category of analysis that approaches black-Brazilian contemporary literary productions.
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