Poetry; Photography; Correspondence of the ArtsAbstract
ABSTRACT: The different artistic forms can be associated, intertwining with the set of imaginaries that make up the subject's consciousness, its intellectual content and its mnemonic references. Among these arts, poetry and photography often intersect in the creative experience of the authors. My main goal was to to demonstrate the approximations and correspondences between the poetry of Heloísa Prazeres and the photography of Jamison Pedra. For that, I compared poems and photos inserted in their books, to identify points of convergence of meanings that they shared as artistic representations. I observed that the poems and photographs established, in an integrated and interrelated way, a bundle of plural imagery readings, representing journeys, records, passages, projections, decipherings. Heloísa Prazeres performed the poiesis of the images she captured on her travels. Meanwhile, Jamison Pedra represented the aesthetic record of the images, cutting them from the empirical universe and covering them with a _poiesis_ of photography, in black and white, as an art object.Downloads
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BARTHES, Roland. A câmara clara. Trad. Júlio Castañon Guimarães. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1984.
BENJAMIN, Walter. Magia e técnica, arte e política. Obras Escolhidas - Vol. 1. Trad. Sergio Paulo Rouanet. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1994.
CALVINO, Ítalo. Cidades invisíveis. Trad. Diogo Mainardi. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1990.
GULLAR, Ferreira. Cidades inventadas. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 1994.
MUCCI, Latuf Isaias. Verbete Correspondência das artes. (30.12. 2009). In: CEIA, Carlos. E-dicionário de termos literários. Disponível em: Acesso em 31 jan. 2022.
PAREYSON, Luigi. Os problemas da estética. Trad. Maria Helena Nery Garcez. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2005.
PRAZERES, Heloísa. Pequena história: poemas escolhidos. Salvador: Quarteto, 2014.
PRAZERES, Heloísa. Casa onde habitamos. São Paulo: Scortecci, 2016.
PRAZERES, Heloísa. Tenda acesa. Poemas. São Paulo: Scortecci, 2020.
PRAZERES, Heloísa. A vigília dos peixes. Poemas. São Paulo: Scortecci, 2021.
SOURIAU, Étienne. A correspondência das artes: elementos de estética comparada. Trad. Maria Cecília Q. M. Pinto e Maria Helena R. da Cunha. São Paulo: Cultrix; EDUSP, 1983.
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