
  • Ivone Silva de Jesus Universidade Federal da Bahia -UFBA / Doutoranda em Educação



Children's Literature; Body; Difference.


Abstract: This study emerges from reading gestures resulting from the exercise of a sensitive, and also analytical, look at the close relationship between children's literature and the different body. Its premise is the relevance of the study of difference, and, more specifically, of bodily difference. We undertake a reading path to analyze how the different body appears inscribed/written in children's literary works. Here, the categories of body and difference, related to children's literature, and the signaling of the categories of analysis that emerge in the literary text (ethnicity, disability, illness) intersect. We have as a methodological perspective, within a qualitative approach, documentary research, since the literary works visited are primary sources of analysis, building, from this context, new knowledge on the subject in question. With a corpus of five children's literary works, we show how much the literary text is connected with the different body and with social relations, as it reveals the position of the interlocutors in the context, not losing sight of the power relations over the body biological/social. The reading scenes reveal that the literary works mark the presence of different body(s) in greater amplitude, different from other times, however, bodies claiming, still, more regular appearances, not displaced, demystified. Furthermore, we ratify the importance of children's literary work as a key element in teacher and student training and in the coexistence between reader-trainer and reader-in-training, respectively, in order to contribute and gain adherence to new studies on the proposed theme.




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