
  • Luiz Henrique Coelho FALE-UFMG




Karina Rabinovitz; espaço literário; intermidialidade.


The poet Karina Rabinovitz explores in her work the possibilities of space in lyrical writing. Such space is constituted from the literary book, the book-object and escapes to the urban space, in partnership with the visual artist Silvana Rezende. In this sense, to understand his writing, the present investigation is looking for the contact of the word with the book and with its surroundings. The aim is also to track the mediation between writing and image, as well as the escape of both to geographic space. To this end, texts are used that evoke a constitution on the poetics of space in literature, as in the development of thought on the theme presented by Luis Alberto Brandão, in the book Theories of literary space and those that relate poetry and image, or in the definitions about de intermedial relations purposed by Lars Elleström.


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RABINOVITZ, Karina. Céu de amarelinha. Disponível em: https://karinarabinovitz.blogspot.com/2015/10/essa-nao-sou-eu-crianca-mas-gostaria.html Acesso em: 06 de jul. 2021. 16:27:45
_____. Rearrumação. Disponível em: https://karinarabinovitz.blogspot.com/2009/10/rearrumacao.html Acesso em: 07 de jul. 2021. 12:34:54
_____. Poesia no olho [da rua]. Disponível em: https://karinarabinovitz.blogspot.com/p/na-rua-meus-poemas-fragmentos.html Acesso em: 25 de jul. 2021 17:45:23.

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