Describe the invisible
the ecphrase as a creation in “Descrição de homem”, by Roberval Pereyr
Poesia, Artes visuais, Écfrase, Estudos interartes, Roberval Pereyr, EkphrasisAbstract
This article discusses the creative and interpretive possibilities of the ekphrasis, presenting a slightly different approach from the oratory technique proposed by the ancient greek speakers. The approximations between poetry and visual arts are investigated even before the consolidation of comparative studies and gained more space from modernity, especially from the moment when poets and image artists started to organize avant-garde movements in Europe. In Brazil, this intensified with the Modern Art Week of 1922 and significantly influenced the following generations. In order to stimulate the debate, we analyzed the poem “Descrição de homem”, by the brazilian poet Roberval Pereyr, bringing the ekphrasis in a contemporary perspective and the images that are provided from it.
Keywords: Poetry; Visual arts; Ekphrasis; Interart studies; Roberval Pereyr.
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